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United Kingdom customers only.
UK specialist in carnivorous plants.  
Nepenthes (tropical pitcher plants)
NEPENTHES SANGUINEA (Highland tropical pitcher)live carnivorous plant in 3½
NEPENTHES SANGUINEA (Highland tropical pitcher)live carnivorous plant in 3½" pot
The plant you'll receive will be similar to the plant shown in the photos (number of pitchers can vary, and it could be slightly larger or smaller - if smaller, it should grow in very little time).

It will be growing in a 3½" pot; it will be sent this way, and should be repotted in the Spring to ensure they grow large colourful pitchers.

NEPENTHES VENTRICOSA x TALANGENSIS (Highland tropical pitcher) carnivorous plant
NEPENTHES VENTRICOSA x TALANGENSIS (Highland tropical pitcher) carnivorous plant
The plant you'll receive will be similar to the plant shown in the photos (number of pitchers can vary, and it could be slightly larger or smaller - if smaller, it should grow in very little time).

It will be growing in a 3½" pot; it will be sent this way, and should be repotted in the Spring to ensure they grow large colourful pitchers.

United Kingdom customers only.

(Please note that photos show plants in peak season. Dormancy affects the size of foliage outside this period).

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